Thesis & articles

Thesis and some other articles


“The Chilean Naval Mutiny of 1931”, Submitted by Carlos René Manuel Tromben Corbalán to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Maritime History, September 2010. Read

Some other articles published

“Las primeras actividades de la Aviación Naval de Chile”.  En Boletín de la Academia de Historia Naval y Marítima de Chile. The initial activities of the Chilean naval aviation are discussed in this article. Read.

“Las islas Juan Fernández. Una historia náutica”. En Boletín de la Academia de Historia Naval y Marítima de Chile. This article refers to the discovery of the Juan Fernández Islands. Read.

“Los comandantes en jefe de la Armada”. En Revista de Marina, marzo-abril 1993. This article refers to those men who had commanded the Chilean Navy over the years. Read.

“Las Ordenanzas Generales de la Armada Naval Española. Su influencia en Chile”. En Revista de Marina, mayo-junio 1993. This article shows the influence that the Spanish General Naval Regulations have had on the Chilean Navy. Read.

“Sanciones y amnistías en la Historia Naval de Chile”. En Revista de Marina, marzo-abril 1995. This is an article about sanctions and amnesties that have been issued in Chilean naval history. Read.

“La Armada en la Guerra Civil de 1891. Algunas causas de su participación”. En Revista de Marina, noviembre-diciembre 1995. This is an article describing the reasons for the Navy’s participation in the Chilean Civil war of 1891. Read

“Publicaciones y otros trabajos sobre la historia de la Armada de Chile”. En Actas del II Simposio de Historia Marítima y Naval Iberoamericana. Universidad Marítima de Chile, Viña del Mar, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Escuela de Historia, 1996. This is a descriptive paper about publications and documents related to the history of the Chilean Navy.

“The naval history facts related to the creation of the Museum Corbeta Esmeralda. Actas de la VI Jornada de Historia Marítima. Museo Naval y Marítimo de Valparaíso, 2010. ISSN 0717-5957.

Theoretical comments about the evolution of naval history based on a study about the financial resources needed for the initial operations of the national fleet. Actas de la VII Jornada de Historia Marítima El Mar en la Formación de la República. Museo Marítimo Nacional, Valparaíso, 2012.

“Chilean Navy, a Two Hundred Year Service”. EnNaval Historical Review (Australia), v. 34, N°4, december 2013, pp. 22-31. Descargar

“El Piloto Luis Pardo Villalón y el rescate de la expedición Shackleton”, Revista de Marina, julio-agosto 2016. Luis Pardo-Villalón was the commanding officer of the ship that rescued the crew of Shackleton´s Antarctic expedition, and his role is explained in this article. Read.

“Centenary of Shackleton´s Antarctic Rescue by the Chilean Navy”. En Naval Historical Review (Australia), v. 37, N°3, september 2016, pp. 39-42. Leer

“A ochenta años del motín naval de 1931”, Revista de Marina, marzo-abril 2017. read