
Related links

Centre of Maritime Historical Studies, University of Exeter, UK. Centro de estudios sobre historia naval y marítima; ofrece valiosa información a través de su sitio web.

Armada de Chile (Navy of Chile). The Chilean Navy bilingual site makes available, among other things, a section called Tradition and History, where you can find biographical reviews, data sheets of the ships that this institution has had, description of the network of naval museums, and other subjects.

Revista de Marina. This review, which has been published since 1885, covers among other topics those regarding maritime and naval history. Subsequently, its contents are made available on the web. Revista de Marina

Museo Marítimo Nacional (National Maritime Museum). It is located in Valparaiso, and features documents and photographical archives, as well as a library specialized in historical subjects. Museo Marítimo Nacional

Corporación del Patrimonio Marítimo (Chilean Maritime Heritage Corporation). The main project developed so far by the Corporation is the Esmeralda Corvette Museum in Iquique. This site contains valuable information and mentions some relevant publications. Corporación del Patrimonio Marítimo de Chile.

Museo Corbeta Esmeralda (Esmeralda Corvette Museum). Located in Iquique, close to the Naval Museum, it allows to virtually and in person visit an exact natural-scale replica of the corvette Esmeralda, serving for many years in the Chilean Navy, and commanded by commander Arturo Prat in the battle of May 21, 1879, that took place in that port. Museo Corbeta Esmeralda.

Museo reliquia Histótica Huáscar (Historic Relic Huáscar Museum). This originally Peruvian ship, seized by the Chilean Navy in Punta Angamos on October 8, 1879, is anchored at Talcahuano Naval Base where it can be visited, as reported in: Historic Relic Huáscar Museum.

Academia de Historia Naval y Marítima de Chile (Naval and Maritime History Academy of Chile). This cultural association is headquartered in Valparaiso, and its website includes various publications that can be accessed easily thanks to its efficient search engine.

Liga Marítima de Chile (Maritime League of Chile). This is an institution dedicated to creating maritime awareness. It publishes revista Mar, a magazine which among other topics contains articles on maritime and naval history.

Academia de Historia Militar de Chile (Military History Academy of Chile). This cultural association is based in Santiago and offers various publications related to military history on its website.

Todo a babor (All to port). Spanish website dedicated to naval history.

Instituto de Publicaciones Navales (Naval Publications Institute). This Argentine institute is associated with the Naval Circle based in Buenos Aires. It offers various publications on naval history and other topics. Instituto de Publicaciones Navales

US Naval Institute. An organization associated with the United States Navy that publishes books and the Proceedings magazine on professional topics, including maritime and naval history. US Naval Institute

Naval History and Heritage Command. This U.S. Navy agency provides access through its website to various publications.

Instituto de Historia y Cultura Naval de la Armada de España (Institute of Naval History and Culture of the Spanish Navy). Through its website, it is possible to access, among others, the documentary archive and the of Naval History Magazine.

International Journal of Naval History. An electronic magazine with articles in English and some in Spanish.

Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico-Aeronáuticas de Chile (Aeronautical History Research Institute of Chile). This cultural association is based in Santiago and offers various publications on its website.