The Chilean Navy, from dawn to the Sesquicentennial. From the Sesquicentennial (1968) to the end of the century (2000)

Valparaíso, Editorial Revista de Marina, 2001.

“Naval life in the period covered by this book (1968 until the end of the century – 1999 (2000?)) took place in very different national stages. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Navy sailed through stormy waters, when the country seemed to move inexorably into a civil war. The unsought intervention and subsequent support to government activities until 1990 occupied much of the Navy’s energies, without neglecting its main role in the severe crises with neighbouring countries that almost led us to war. Overcoming these difficult stages and having reached a new institutional set up, the Navy has turned all its energies to contributing to the achievement of national objectives.”

Presentation by Renato Valenzuela Ugarte